Sebuah berita sedih baru saja menghantam dunia perfilman terutama Bollywood. Aktor senior yang telah manjadi ikon, Irrfan Khan, yang juga merupakan salah satu aktor karakter Hollywood telah meninggal pada usia 53 tahun. Dia telah dirawat di unit perawatan intensif rumah sakit Kokilaben Mumbai pada hari Selasa dengan infeksi usus dan meninggal pada hari Rabu setelah kesehatannya memburuk dengan cepat.
Pada tahun 2018 yang lalu, Khan pernah mengungkapkan bahwa ia telah didiagnosis menderita tumor neuroendokrin, tetapi, setelah perawatan yang ekstensif, Khan telah pulih cukup baik untuk melakukan proses syuting film Angrezi Medium.

Khan telah berhasil mengukir karier yang sangat sukses sebagai aktor di negara asalnya, India. Khan juga berhasil mengukir kesuksesan di Hollywood ketika membintangi film laris dan berbobot seperti karya Ang Lee, Life of Pi, Jurassic World, serta The Amazing Spider-Man, Inferno dan Slumdog Millionaire yang diarahkan oleh Danny Boyle.
Meskipun mempunyai status global sebagai salah satu bintang terbesar Bollywood, Khan mempunyai reputasi untuk kesederhanaan dan integritas, dan berita kematiannya telah mengirim India ke dalam duka bersama, mendorong aktor, penggemar, dan politisi dari seluruh dunia untuk mengekspresikan kesedihan mereka saat kematiannya.
Deeply sad to have lost #IrrfanKhan. A thoughtful man who found beauty in the world around him, even in pain. In our last correspondence, he asked me to remember “the wonderful aspects of our existence” in the darkest of days. Here he is, laughing.
— Colin Trevorrow (@colintrevorrow) April 29, 2020
The charisma you brought to everything you did was pure magic. Your talent forged the way for so many in so many avenues.. You inspired so many of us. #IrrfanKhan you will truly be missed. Condolences to the family.
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) April 29, 2020
A grateful fan of #IrrfanKhan here. Gone too soon. When he is on screen, you can’t take your eyes off of him. He lives on in his films.
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) April 29, 2020
Rest in peace one of the greatest actors of our time, Irrfan Khan. I never met him but he was an inspiration and a hero to me and millions of others. His work was consistently transcendent, he was a guiding light for so many of us.
— Riz Ahmed (@rizwanahmed) April 29, 2020
The loss of Irrfan Khan – at such a young age – is devastating. He was my favorite actor. I can’t think of someone who gave such layered and thoughtful performances but was also a movie star; you couldn’t take your eyes off of him onscreen. Love and peace to his family.
— Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) April 29, 2020
T 3516 – .. just getting news of the passing of Irfaan Khan .. this is a most disturbing and sad news .. 🙏
An incredible talent .. a gracious colleague .. a prolific contributor to the World of Cinema .. left us too soon .. creating a huge vacuum ..
Prayers and duas 🙏— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) April 29, 2020